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FSTCs: FG seeks enforcement of 70% admission ratio in favour of technical courses

News & Blog

The federal government has reiterated the need to implement the policy of 70 per cent in favour of technical courses for admission to Federal Science and Technical Colleges (FSTCs).

The government gave the reminder on the occasion of the National Business and Technical Examinations Board (NABTEB) selection and placement of qualified candidates from the 2021 National Common Entrance Examination into the Federal Science and Technical Colleges (FSTCs) on Tuesday, 5th October, 2021, at the NABTEB national headquarters, in Benin City.

The federal government’s position was contained in an address by the Director, Technology and Science Education (DTSE), Federal Ministry of Education, Mrs. Elizabeth Adedigba, which was presented by Mr. Osundeyi Emmanuel Kolawole.

This came just as the Registrar/Chief Executive, NABTEB, Prof. Ifeoma M. Isiugo-Abanihe commended stakeholders at the selection and placement exercise for their hard work and commitment over years which testified to their determination and drive to focus Nigerian children on the path of technological progress.

Mrs. Adedigba told the stakeholders that, as they conduct exercise, they should bear in mind the approval of the National Council on Education (NCE) at its 59th meeting, “that the admission ratio of students for Science and Trades subjects into Science and Technical Colleges should be 30/70, respectively.

“As administrators, it is your utmost duty to implement the policies of government aimed at improving the lot of our children and colleges irrespective of daunting challenges.”

The DTSE informed the gathering that the Federal Ministry of Education was working hard to ensure that the six newly established FSTCs in Ebonyi, Imo, Jigawa, Kano, Kogi and Oyo states to commence academic activities as soon as possible.

Mrs. Adedigba congratulated the NABTEB Chief Executive for her reappointment by President Muhammadu Buhari to pilot the affairs of the Board for the second tenure, while she added that NABTEB’s ability to host the annual gathering was highly praise and appreciated.

Prof. Isiugo-Abanihe also expressed the belief that the 2021 selection and placement exercise will facilitate a better and greater cooperation between the stakeholders and NABTEB to the effect that the result of the collective efforts of all partners in the meeting and subsequently, will contribute to the ultimate transformation of the nation.

The 2021 National Common Entrance Examination was on 24th July, 2021, with a total enrolment of 2939 candidates, made up of 1,876 males, 1,046 females, out which 2,142 candidates sat for the examination.

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