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NABTEB Begins the Postponed 2020 May/June

News & Blog

• NABTEB Begins the Postponed 2020 May/June In-School Certificate Examinations on Monday, September 21, 2020.
• Registration of the Examination Closes on August 31, 2020.
• National Common Entrance Examination for Admission to Technical Colleges Holds on October 3, 2020.
The National Business and Technical Examinations Board (NABTEB) wishes to inform its stakeholders (schools, parents, guardians and candidates) that the 2020 May/June Ordinary Level Certificate examinations of the Board for in-school final year students, are to commence on 21st September and end on 15th Octobrber, 2020.

The Board wishes to remind all stakeholders that the deadline for the close of registration of candidates for the examinations is 31st August, 2020. It therefore urges all candidates to seize this window to complete their registration.

NABTEB also wishes to announce that the date for the National Common Entrance examination for admission to Science and Technical Colleges is 3rd October, 2020.

Timetable for the 2020 in-school Ordinary Level National Business Certificate (NBC) and National Technical Certificate (NTC) examinations as well as other guidelines for the examinations can be obtained from the Board’s website.

All stakeholders are enjoined to abide by the rules and regulations guiding the conduct of the examinations, and to ensure strict adherence to all anti-COVID-19 measures put in place at the examination centres to check further spread of the pandemic.

Prof. Ifeoma M. Isiugo-Abanihe
Registrar/Chief Executive

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